Worldwide Partnership

The “Revive Time: Kaki Tree Project”

On the 9th of August, 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped in Nagasaki. Tens of thousands of people died suffering from the intense blast and heat, and the city of Nagasaki was reduced to ashes.
However, there was a kaki tree which miraculously survived while more than half of the trunk was burnt black, and barely standing and about to die at any moment.
In 1994, Masayuki Ebinuma, an arborist, started to treat the fragile tree and restored its health as to be able to produce “seedlings” from the bombed tree.
Then Ebinuma started to hand out the “saplings” from the survivor tree to children who visited Nagasaki as a symbol of peace.

After contemporary artist Tatsuo Miyajima learned Ebinuma’s activity, he wanted to support Ebinuma as an artist. So then he displayed the saplings and recruited foster parents at an art exhibition in 1995.

They received ten applications and selected the former Ryuhoku Elementary School in Taito-ku, Tokyo as a planting site.
Through the process, Miyajima had conceived an art project called “Revive Time: Kaki Tree Project” and launched the Executive Committee. In 1996, the first planting of the project took place at the former Ryuhoku Elementary School. Miyajima himself conducted a workshop at the tree-planting ceremony.

The “Revive Time: Kaki Tree Project” is an art project through which people can learn about peace and the importance of life.

The purpose is to hand out saplings from the mother tree to children around the world and encourage them to express themselves through art with a theme of a kaki tree as they grow the saplings. Art cultivates the imagination to help us feel others’ pain and creativity to build a new world. It goes beyond borders, religion, race and even language.

Kaki Tree Families Spread Around the World

The Project has been carried out around the globe for 20 years, and planted the seeds of art, the seeds of peace into the hearts of 30,000 children who have taken part.
They are in U.S.A., France, U.K., Italy, Korea and African countries.

Ongoing Projects

The “Trees for the Future&Forest Bathing” project

In order to improve air quality, mitigate the effects of climate change, combat heat waves, pollution, loss of habitat and biodiversity, consumption, degradation and artificialisation of land, as well as to benefit from the aesthetic value connected to cohabitation with elements of the natural heritage, La Rosa dei 4 Venti promotes the ” Trees for the Future project “, through the planting of native Trees and Shrubs within its green areas and inside own private forest, contributing and completing so the realization in progress and available for all our Retreats participants already starting from this March 2024 of the “Forest Bathing Project “.

In case you might feel to give your contribution and support to this nature-based intervention, that benefit natural heritage and promote positive mental health states by enhancing nature connectedness, just email to and we will send you the specific link to participate, filling in autonomy your free contribution amount and the file with the main mediterranean plants species to defend and part of the Project.

You can give your contribution asking to plant a specific Tree or Shrub.

Each Tree or Shrub planted with your contribution, will bear your name.