About La Rosa


La Rosa dei 4 Venti was build as a Carmelitan Monastery and belonged to the order of Carmelite friars of Martina Franca dating from the year 1689, which is evidenced by the engraving on the lintel on one of the doorways of the main building and by the small church which is still consecrated and dedicated to the figure of the Virgin of Carmelo.

It had always been a place for pilgrims and spiritual retreat until when it was converted into a Masseria, a typical southern Italian farmhouse, particularly in Puglia, built between the Medieval period and the 17th century.

It takes its name from the term “masserizie” (furnitures and farms tools) and is a collection of farm buildings used for agricultural holdings; it was often inhabited by the landowners and the farm labourers and which included amongst its outhouses stables, storage for fodder and crops.

Since 2007 La Rosa dei 4 Venti returned to its original aim: to host the contemporary travellers who cross the whole world and retreat here rediscovering ones’ own well-being.